Tuesday, July 10, 2012

30 x 30 Challege: New Outfits

The weather people on TV say there's going to be a cool down this week.  Please let that be true!  Maybe then I'll attempt to do my hair!  Hopefully that means better pictures next week!  Here's my next couple of outfits.

 I'm not sure about this combo, but I love the back of this shirt!

 This was my 4th of July dress!  I didn't have the white and the blue, but I like the red dress!
 These shoes are part of my 30, but man I do love them!

Like a whole bunch.  Sometimes I just wear them around the house just because!  Okay, and I might have them same shoe in 2 other colors.  What can I say I have a weakness!
I think this week I'm going to find the challenge a bit more challenging since I've used my "normal" outfits now. I'm looking forward to putting together different things!


  1. That red dress is stunning on you! It's such a great color with your skin tone- just really makes you stand out, you know? It makes me want to go buy a pretty red dress right now! Just found your blog and have loved getting to know you better! I'm excited to follow along!

    new follower :)

    1. Thank you so much!! I don't normally buy red things, but I thought this dress was cute. Thanks for following me! When I read your comment it made me smile!
